Reproduction of The Hay Wain with the aid of my awesome 4 year old grandson Joshua 

So today I started painting again reproduce of this well loved painting by John Constable.

So here is the start of the underpainting. 

Here is the completed under painting and my proud assistant who helped me with the actual under painting

Here is the young assistant who says he is the best painter ever. 

Details of the tree’s 

The process thus fart day one. 

Joshua and big sister Jodie Lea art promising youngsters who will one day be great artists 

Dracul Van Helsing

The Life, Thoughts and Reflections of a Vampire Hunter

Love, Life and Whatever

To Love is to Live...

The Sarejessian

The Self taught Mind with guests who live in it.

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Dracul Van Helsing

The Life, Thoughts and Reflections of a Vampire Hunter

Love, Life and Whatever

To Love is to Live...

The Sarejessian

The Self taught Mind with guests who live in it.

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