Ever wanted to be immortal? 

Ever wanted to be immortal? The south African company Samcorp might just have the answer with the release later this year of there Samuel-1 module.


WITH  a simple wrist strap, USB cable and a small piece of software which promises to allow you or should I say a module of your personality (which contains your memories, feelings and basic life history to continue to interact with your loved ones long after you have shuffled of this mortal coil. 

OR if you just want to say goodbye to the dearly departed in a dignified way.

Samcorp CEO Samuel Ferreira says that the devise is based on the old ledged of the innkeeper of Bethlehem who for some reason was cursed to wander until judgment day in search of his salvation first gave him the idea of the Samuel-1 module which started off as a hobbies grew into a business from a small back yard room to new up market office suites from which Samcorp now operates. Mr Ferreira promises to make his company the world leader in immortality software. THE device goes on sale at the end sale on 29 October and will retail at $500.00.

A further project of Samcorp is a devise which will allow a holographic image of the departed loved one to sit or stand in a real room and converse with his or her family the software and devises together capture new information and store it on your hard drive or the on a secure web cloud in an underground location buried deep in the earths core where the secure server is maintained with natural energy sourced from the heat of the earths core and cool temperature controlled by green energy air conditioners. 

Thus making it possible for you to live forever allowing your relatives to experience your precious moments and bring back fond memories of your youth, your university days and even meeting the love of your life.   What makes this devise worth looking at is the fact that it works on the simple principal of collecting minuet samples of DNA from your wrist with the use of Nano technology. The devise is able to recover the essence of your personality the beta tests of this devise have proven so successful that Samcorp is even able to recover personalities from people who have been dead for up to 18 hours.

The immortality machine is self maintaining and can capture billions of life sources until the end of time.
The First Book of Samuel
The Second Book of Samuel
The Sterleys of Oakland Park

Author: Polly Speaks 4U Dynamic Interactive Software for Dyslexics

There are many forms of dyslexia There are many forms of dyslexia Acquired Dyslexia, Assistive Technology, Attentional Dyslexia, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), ADHD , Auditory dyslexia, Comprehension Deficit, Poor understanding of what was read, Deep dyslexia , Developmental dyslexia , Dyscalculia, Dysgraphia, Dyslexia, Dyseidetic Dyslexia, Dysphonetic Dyslexia, Phonological deficit: Dysphonetic Dyslexia Phonological deficit: Polly Speak 4 U Bridging the gap between the Dyslexic world and the written Word. This is Polly Speaks 4 U an amazing document editor. The large buttons and oversized menus are to help those who have problems with reading and writing. The speech function can be used as a teaching tool in the class room A book reader for homework. A reader for presentations, This is a wonderful tool for preparing for a verbal presentation that you might need to give to that new boss. Polly is also a great tool for English second language speakers, improve their English. Polly gives the user the ability to hear the way they write. Very often a person’s writing voice is somewhat different from ones verbal style. Polly can help you improve your writing voice. Created by a dyslexic, based on his experience over many years, finding the solutions required in an office environment to assist dyslexics and persons with related conditions.


  1. This prophetic chapter from your Samuel books written about 8 or 9 years ago seem to have thoroughly prophecied the Transhumanist movement in 2016.

    Sounds exactly what Ray Kurzweil is up to at Google.


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